The Whole Child

Little Magnolia Preschool is a private in-home preschool designed to teach a small group of children ages 3-5. The core curriculum includes customized lesson plans covering math, reading/writing, geography, and science supplemented with music, art, and play.

What We Offer

Child education tailored to the individual strengths of each child

Fully licensed teacher with 30 years of experience & training

Safe, secure and clean environment

Small group size to foster one-on-one & develop social interactions

Preschool setting - Kindergarten readiness

Bible story & discussion

Quarterly progress reports

Daily pictures/videos

Inquiry/Research-Based Learning

STEAM Activities

Fun Fridays

Parents' night out (1x month)


Every Child Is Brilliant

Each individual child’s skills are fostered to help them fully realize their full potential and confidence. The confident child is best able to not only learn; but acquires a life-long capacity to be self-reliant, socially/emotionally well-adjusted, and successful.

“Do not train a child to learn by force or harshness; but direct them to it by what amuses their minds, so that you may be better able to discover with accuracy the peculiar bent of the genius of each.”


Meet The Director & Teacher


Donalyn Collier

Director & Teacher

Mrs. Donalyn Collier teaches children using a comprehensive mixed-technique approach combining Traditional & Montessori methods honed over 30 years of experience in education.

Child Development Associate (CDA) Credential

Child Development Associate (CDA) Credential

Registered Child-Care Home & Directors Credential

Registered Child-Care Home & Directors Credential